pylons.middleware – WSGI Middleware

Module Contents


The errorware dictionary is constructed from the settings in the DEFAULT section of development.ini. the recognised keys and settings at initialization are:
  • error_email = conf.get(‘email_to’)
  • error_log = conf.get(‘error_log’, None)
  • smtp_server = conf.get(‘smtp_server’,’localhost’)
  • error_subject_prefix = conf.get(‘error_subject_prefix’, ‘WebApp Error: ‘)
  • from_address = conf.get(‘from_address’, conf.get(‘error_email_from’, ‘’))
  • error_message = conf.get(‘error_message’, ‘An internal server error occurred’)

Referenced classes

Pylons middleware uses WebError to effect the error-handling. The two classes implicated are:


weberror.errormiddleware weberror.errormiddleware.ErrorMiddleware


weberror.evalexception weberror.evalexception.EvalException